¿Quisieras encontrar un libro de Thomas Armstrong?
En esta colección encontrarás los mejores libros de Thomas Armstrong a la venta en línea con breves notas sobre la trama, el año de publicación y otra información útil para ayudar a seleccionar qué libro empezar a leer.
+ Índice de reseñas
Hay 26 libros de Thomas Armstrong enumerados en orden cronológico inverso, del más nuevo al más antiguo, que datan de 1998.
Puntaje | 4.5 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | The Face of a Madonna (English Edition) |
Editor | anónimo |
Paginas | 504 |
Publicación | 2021 |
Trama: The Yorkshire in which Thomas Armstrong set The Crowthers of Bankdam and its sequels, Pilling Always...
Puntaje | 4.4 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Our London Office |
Editor | Independently published |
Paginas | 388 |
Publicación | 2021 |
Trama: It is 1957 and Charles, the youngest of old Simjoss Crowther’s three sons, has come to London to s...
Puntaje | 4.5 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Dover Harbour (English Edition) |
Editor | anónimo |
Paginas | XX |
Publicación | 2021 |
Trama: “Dover Harbour” is the story of England from 1789 to 1809, from the outbreak of the French Revol...
Puntaje | 4.6 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | You're Smarter Than You Think: A Kid's Guide to Multiple Intelligences |
Editor | ReadHowYouWant |
Paginas | 352 |
Publicación | 2021 |
Trama: Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences has revolutionized the way we think about being sm...
Puntaje | 5 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | A Ring Has No End (English Edition) |
Editor | anónimo |
Paginas | 492 |
Publicación | 2020 |
Trama: This novel, so vivid in its portrayal of Imperial Russia in all its flamboyant magnificence, its dec...
Puntaje | 4.8 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Adam Brunskill |
Editor | Independently published |
Paginas | 558 |
Publicación | 2019 |
Trama: Adam, a young man brought up in a colony of northcountrymen among the lead mines of Spain, comes hom...
Puntaje | 4.4 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Mindfulness in the Classroom: Strategies for Promoting Concentration, Compassion, and Calm |
Editor | ASCD |
Paginas | 170 |
Publicación | 2019 |
Trama: In today's schools, students and teachers feel unprecedented--even alarming--levels of stress. How c...
Puntaje | 4.6 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Pilling Always Pays (The Crowther Chronicles) |
Editor | Independently published |
Paginas | 481 |
Publicación | 2019 |
Trama: In the sequel to The Crowthers of Bankdam, Sam Pilling, Simeon Crowther’s great grandson, is a hig...
Puntaje | 4.7 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | The Human Odyssey: Navigating the Twelve Stages of Life |
Editor | Dover Publications Inc. |
Paginas | 368 |
Publicación | 2019 |
Trama: """This is truly a major contribution ― brilliant, beguiling, and as broad in concept as it is dee...
Puntaje | 4.5 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Sue Crowther's Marriage (The Crowther Chronicles) |
Editor | Independently published |
Paginas | 517 |
Publicación | 2019 |
Trama: The third book in the Crowther Chronicles returns to the Pilling family in the 1950s. The story revo...
Puntaje | 4.9 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Smarts!: Everybody's got them |
Editor | Free Spirit Publishing Inc.,U.S. |
Paginas | 44 |
Publicación | 2019 |
Trama: An imaginative picture book that defines eight ways everyone is smart and shows how to get smarter i...
Puntaje | 4.4 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | The Crowthers of Bankdam (The Crowther Chronicles) |
Editor | Independently published |
Paginas | 562 |
Publicación | 2018 |
Trama: The Crowthers of Bankdam is the story of a great Yorkshire wool-trade family, fascinating in their i...
Puntaje | 4.6 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | The Myth of the ADHD Child, Revised Edition: 101 Ways to Improve Your Child's Behavior and Attention Span Without Drugs, Labels, or Coercion |
Editor | TarcherPerigee |
Paginas | 368 |
Publicación | 2017 |
Trama: A fully revised and updated edition of the groundbreaking book on tackling the root causes of childr...
Puntaje | 4.7 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom |
Editor | Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development |
Paginas | 243 |
Publicación | 2017 |
Trama: In the decades since it was first introduced, Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences (MI) theory ha...
Puntaje | 4.7 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students |
Editor | ASCD |
Paginas | 218 |
Publicación | 2016 |
Trama: Moody. Reckless. Impractical. Insecure. Distracted. These are all words commonly used to describe ad...
Puntaje | 5 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | My Life in Connaught: With Sketches of Mission Work in the West |
Editor | Leopold Classic Library |
Paginas | 312 |
Publicación | 2016 |
Trama: About the Book In historical fiction the plot is set in the past, and pays attention to the manners,...
Puntaje | 4.5 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | You're Smarter Than You Think: A Kid's Guide to Multiple Intelligences |
Editor | Free Spirit Publishing Inc.,U.S. |
Paginas | 199 |
Publicación | 2014 |
Trama: Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences has revolutionized the way we think about being ...
Puntaje | 4.6 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Neurodiversity in the Classroom: Strength-Based Strategies to Help Students with Special Needs Succeed in School and Life |
Editor | ASCD |
Paginas | 196 |
Publicación | 2012 |
Trama: A new concept on human diversity has emerged over the past 10 years that promises to revolutionize t...
Puntaje | 4.9 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | El poder de la neurodiversidad (Transiciones) |
Editor | Ediciones Paidós |
Paginas | 256 |
Publicación | 2012 |
Trama: En la última década ha surgido un nuevo término que cambia el modo en que pensamos en los trastor...
Puntaje | 4.6 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain |
Editor | Da Capo Lifelong Books |
Paginas | 290 |
Publicación | 2011 |
Trama: “Parents, teachers, and policymakers should all read this thought-provoking book. I loved it.”...
Puntaje | 5 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Eres más listo de lo que crees: Guía infantil sobre las inteligencias múltiples (El Niño y su Mundo) - 9788497543255 |
Editor | Ediciones Oniro |
Paginas | 256 |
Publicación | 2008 |
Trama: Una guía infantil para comprender que todos los niños pueden ser listos e inteligentes en alguna m...
Puntaje | 4.3 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Human Odyssey: Navigating the Twelve Stages of Life |
Editor | Sterling |
Paginas | 368 |
Publicación | 2007 |
Trama: Many excellent volumes have been devoted to some of the key chapters in our lives, from classics on ...
Puntaje | 4.2 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Inteligencias múltiples en el aula: Guía práctica para educadores |
Editor | Ediciones Paidós |
Paginas | 280 |
Publicación | 2006 |
Trama: “Respetar las múltiples diferencias entre las personas”: éste es, según Howard Gardner, el pr...
Puntaje | 3 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Sindrome de deficit de atencion con o sin hiperactividad add / AADD/ADHD: Estrategias en el aula / Alternatives in the Classroom |
Editor | Paidos Iberica Ediciones S A |
Paginas | 141 |
Publicación | 2001 |
Trama: Book by Armstrong Thomas...
Puntaje | 4.7 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | 7 Kinds of Smart: Identifying and Developing Your Multiple Intelligences |
Editor | Plume |
Paginas | 320 |
Publicación | 1999 |
Trama: Based on psychologist Howard Gardner's pioneering theory of "multiple intelligences," the original e...
Puntaje | 4 |
Autor | Thomas Armstrong |
Título | Awakening Genius in the Classroom (English Edition) |
Editor | ASCD |
Paginas | 99 |
Publicación | 1998 |
Trama: "Every student is a genius," declares author Thomas Armstrong, and an educator's most important job ...
Veamos una lista de 26 libros de Thomas Armstrong para leer en orden cronológico hasta su último libro.
Título | Año |
You're Smarter Than You Think: A Kid's Guide to Multiple Intelligences | 2021 |
The Face of a Madonna (English Edition) | 2021 |
Our London Office | 2021 |
Dover Harbour (English Edition) | 2021 |
A Ring Has No End (English Edition) | 2020 |
The Human Odyssey: Navigating the Twelve Stages of Life | 2019 |
Sue Crowther's Marriage (The Crowther Chronicles) | 2019 |
Smarts!: Everybody's got them | 2019 |
Pilling Always Pays (The Crowther Chronicles) | 2019 |
Mindfulness in the Classroom: Strategies for Promoting Concentration, Compassion, and Calm | 2019 |
Adam Brunskill | 2019 |
The Crowthers of Bankdam (The Crowther Chronicles) | 2018 |
The Myth of the ADHD Child, Revised Edition: 101 Ways to Improve Your Child's Behavior and Attention Span Without Drugs, Labels, or Coercion | 2017 |
Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom | 2017 |
Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students | 2016 |
My Life in Connaught: With Sketches of Mission Work in the West | 2016 |
You're Smarter Than You Think: A Kid's Guide to Multiple Intelligences | 2014 |
Neurodiversity in the Classroom: Strength-Based Strategies to Help Students with Special Needs Succeed in School and Life | 2012 |
El poder de la neurodiversidad (Transiciones) | 2012 |
The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of Your Differently Wired Brain | 2011 |
Eres más listo de lo que crees: Guía infantil sobre las inteligencias múltiples (El Niño y su Mundo) - 9788497543255 | 2008 |
Human Odyssey: Navigating the Twelve Stages of Life | 2007 |
Inteligencias múltiples en el aula: Guía práctica para educadores | 2006 |
Sindrome de deficit de atencion con o sin hiperactividad add / AADD/ADHD: Estrategias en el aula / Alternatives in the Classroom | 2001 |
7 Kinds of Smart: Identifying and Developing Your Multiple Intelligences | 1999 |
Awakening Genius in the Classroom (English Edition) | 1998 |
En nuestra colección hay 26 libros escritos por Thomas Armstrong desde 1998 hasta la actualidad.
Evaluando 26 libros de Thomas Armstrong, seguramente podrías comenzar leyendo Awakening Genius in the Classroom (English Edition) publicado en 1998 por ASCD.
Puedes encontrar la lista completa de libros de Thomas Armstrong con fecha, editorial y formatos disponibles en esta dirección.
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Más allá de promociones, precios bajos y otras consideraciones de compra, si eres un amante de los libros publicados por Thomas Armstrong, ten conocimiento de que en este ranking hemos reunido la cronología de algunos de sus libros más vendidos sin dejar de lado los títulos más recientes.
Teniendo presentes los mejores libros de Thomas Armstrong, puedes encontrar los últimos lanzamientos o publicaciones del pasado.