Libros Robert J. Sternberg

¿Estás buscando un libro de Robert J. Sternberg?
En esta colección encontrarás los mejores libros de Robert J. Sternberg a la venta en línea con breves notas sobre la trama, el año de publicación y otra información útil para ayudar a elegir qué libro comenzar a leer.

Ranking de 24 libros de Robert J. Sternberg en orden cronológico

Hay 24 libros de Robert J. Sternberg enumerados en orden cronológico inverso, del más nuevo al más antiguo, que datan de 1995.


Adaptive Intelligence: Surviving and Thriving in Times of Uncertainty

Adaptive Intelligence: Surviving and Thriving in Times of Uncertainty
Puntaje 4.7
Título Adaptive Intelligence: Surviving and Thriving in Times of Uncertainty
Editor Cambridge University Press
Paginas 282

Trama: Adaptive Intelligence is a dramatic reappraisal and reframing of the concept of human intelligence. ...


Wisdom: The Psychology of Wise Thoughts, Words, and Deeds

Wisdom: The Psychology of Wise Thoughts, Words, and Deeds
Puntaje 3
Título Wisdom: The Psychology of Wise Thoughts, Words, and Deeds
Editor Cambridge University Press
Paginas 214

Trama: The world is simultaneously facing many crises that humanity is failing to solve. Yet, at the same t...


The Nature of Intelligence and Its Development in Childhood (Elements in Child Development)

The Nature of Intelligence and Its Development in Childhood (Elements in Child Development)
Puntaje 4
Título The Nature of Intelligence and Its Development in Childhood (Elements in Child Development)
Editor Cambridge University Press
Paginas 80

Trama: In this Element, I first introduce intelligence in terms of historical definitions. I show that inte...


The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)

The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)
Puntaje 5
Título The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)
Editor Cambridge University Press
Paginas 1266

Trama: Written by the foremost experts in human intelligence. It not only includes traditional topics, such...


Social Intelligence and Nonverbal Communication

Social Intelligence and Nonverbal Communication
Puntaje 5
Título Social Intelligence and Nonverbal Communication
Editor Palgrave Macmillan
Paginas 468

Trama: 1. Social intelligence: What it is and why we need it more than ever before; Robert J. Sternberg, Av...


The New Psychology of Love

The New Psychology of Love
Puntaje 4.8
Título The New Psychology of Love
Editor Cambridge University Press
Paginas 350

Trama: This is a much-needed development from the first edition that provides an update on the theory and r...


The Psychologist's Companion for Undergraduates: A Guide to Success for College Students

The Psychologist's Companion for Undergraduates: A Guide to Success for College Students
Puntaje 5
Título The Psychologist's Companion for Undergraduates: A Guide to Success for College Students
Editor Cambridge University Press
Paginas 306

Trama: Tailored specifically for undergraduate students, this Companion offers uniquely comprehensive cover...


Teaching for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, and Success

Teaching for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, and Success
Puntaje 4.5
Título Teaching for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, and Success
Editor Skyhorse Publishing
Paginas 192

Trama: The essential guide for teaching beyond the test!Students with strong higher-order thinking skills a...


La freccia di Cupido. Come cambia l'amore: teorie psicologiche (Capire con il cuore)

La freccia di Cupido. Come cambia l'amore: teorie psicologiche (Capire con il cuore)
Puntaje 4
Título La freccia di Cupido. Come cambia l'amore: teorie psicologiche (Capire con il cuore)
Editor Erickson
Paginas 240

Trama: Come e perché ci si innamora? Perché l'amore cambia nel tempo, talvolta consolidando la relazione ...


Inteligencia aplicada

Inteligencia aplicada
Puntaje 4
Título Inteligencia aplicada
Editor TEA Ediciones
Paginas 508

Trama: n este libro encontrará un programa de desarrollo de la inteligencia basado en la perspectiva de la...


College Admissions for the 21st Century

College Admissions for the 21st Century
Puntaje 5
Título College Admissions for the 21st Century
Editor Harvard University Press
Paginas 224

Trama: SATs, ACTs, GPAs. Everyone knows that these scores can’t tell a college everything that’s import...


Explorations in Giftedness Paperback

Explorations in Giftedness Paperback
Puntaje 3
Título Explorations in Giftedness Paperback
Editor Cambridge University Press
Paginas 318

Trama: This book is a scholarly overview of the modern concepts, definitions, and theories of intellectual ...


Teaching for Successful Intelligence: To Increase Student Learning and Achievement

Teaching for Successful Intelligence: To Increase Student Learning and Achievement
Puntaje 4.7
Título Teaching for Successful Intelligence: To Increase Student Learning and Achievement
Editor Corwin
Paginas 216

Trama: Provides 40 research-based, illustrated lessons and demonstrates how to design units that help stude...


Intelligence and Technology: The Impact of Tools on the Nature and Development of Human Abilities (Educational Psychology Series)

Intelligence and Technology: The Impact of Tools on the Nature and Development of Human Abilities (Educational Psychology Series)
Puntaje 3
Título Intelligence and Technology: The Impact of Tools on the Nature and Development of Human Abilities (Educational Psychology Series)
Editor Routledge
Paginas 272

Trama: In this volume, Robert J. Sternberg and David D. Preiss bring together different perspectives on und...


Testing dinamico

Testing dinamico
Puntaje 3
Título Testing dinamico
Editor Armando Editore
Paginas 304

Trama: Il testing dinamico ha un enorme potenziale nell'ambito della teoria dell'apprendimento. Questo volu...


Wisdom, Intelligence, And Creativity Synthesized

Wisdom, Intelligence, And Creativity Synthesized
Puntaje 4.1
Título Wisdom, Intelligence, And Creativity Synthesized
Editor Cambridge University Press
Paginas 246

Trama: In Wisdom, Intelligence, and Creativity Synthesized, Sternberg reviews and summarizes the best resea...


Models of Intelligence: International Perspectives (APA Decade of Behavior)

Models of Intelligence: International Perspectives (APA Decade of Behavior)
Puntaje 4
Título Models of Intelligence: International Perspectives (APA Decade of Behavior)
Editor American Psychological Association
Paginas 424

Trama: This volume brings together leading scholars in intelligence research to present various perspective...


The Creativity Conundrum: A Propulsion Model of Kinds of Creative Contributions (Essays in Cognitive Psychology)

The Creativity Conundrum: A Propulsion Model of Kinds of Creative Contributions (Essays in Cognitive Psychology)
Puntaje 3
Título The Creativity Conundrum: A Propulsion Model of Kinds of Creative Contributions (Essays in Cognitive Psychology)
Editor Psychology Press
Paginas 154

Trama: This book challenges traditional notions of creativity as a trait, and brings forward ideas of multi...


A Handbook Of Wisdom: Psychological Perspectives

A Handbook Of Wisdom: Psychological Perspectives
Puntaje 3.7
Título A Handbook Of Wisdom: Psychological Perspectives
Editor Cambridge University Press
Paginas 406

Trama: Written from the perspective of multiple disciplines, this 2005 handbook gives the reader an in-dept...


Practical Intelligence in Everyday Life Paperback

Practical Intelligence in Everyday Life Paperback
Puntaje 4.4
Título Practical Intelligence in Everyday Life Paperback
Editor Cambridge University Press
Paginas 304

Trama: This book, first published in 2000, reviews psychological research on practical intelligence and des...


Estilos de pensamiento: Claves para nuestro modo de pensar y enriquecer la capacidad de reflexión (Saberes Cotidianos)

Estilos de pensamiento: Claves para nuestro modo de pensar y enriquecer la capacidad de reflexión (Saberes Cotidianos)
Puntaje 5
Título Estilos de pensamiento: Claves para nuestro modo de pensar y enriquecer la capacidad de reflexión (Saberes Cotidianos)
Editor Ediciones Paidós
Paginas 242

Trama: En nuestra sociedad, el reconocimiento del talento depende, en gran medida, de una extremada idealiz...


Love is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships

Love is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships
Puntaje 4.8
Título Love is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships
Editor OUP USA
Paginas 252

Trama: In this groundbreaking work, Robert Sternberg opens the book of love and shows you how to discover y...


The Nature of Mathematical Thinking (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series)

The Nature of Mathematical Thinking (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series)
Puntaje 3
Título The Nature of Mathematical Thinking (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series)
Editor Routledge
Paginas 352

Trama: Why do some children seem to learn mathematics easily and others slave away at it, learning it only ...


Creative Cycle: Where Good Ideas Come from and Why Only Some Succeed

Creative Cycle: Where Good Ideas Come from and Why Only Some Succeed
Puntaje 4.5
Título Creative Cycle: Where Good Ideas Come from and Why Only Some Succeed
Editor Simon & Schuster
Paginas 255

Trama: In Defying the Crowd, world-renowned psychologist Robert Sternberg, with the assistance of Todd Luba...

Lista de 24 libros de Robert J. Sternberg en orden de publicación

Veamos una lista de 24 libros de Robert J. Sternberg para leer en orden cronológico hasta su último libro.

Título Año
Wisdom: The Psychology of Wise Thoughts, Words, and Deeds2021
Adaptive Intelligence: Surviving and Thriving in Times of Uncertainty2021
The Nature of Intelligence and Its Development in Childhood (Elements in Child Development)2020
The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)2020
Social Intelligence and Nonverbal Communication2020
The New Psychology of Love2018
The Psychologist's Companion for Undergraduates: A Guide to Success for College Students2017
Teaching for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, and Success2015
La freccia di Cupido. Come cambia l'amore: teorie psicologiche (Capire con il cuore)2014
Inteligencia aplicada2011
Explorations in Giftedness Paperback2010
College Admissions for the 21st Century2010
Teaching for Successful Intelligence: To Increase Student Learning and Achievement2007
Intelligence and Technology: The Impact of Tools on the Nature and Development of Human Abilities (Educational Psychology Series)2005
Testing dinamico2004
Wisdom, Intelligence, And Creativity Synthesized2003
Models of Intelligence: International Perspectives (APA Decade of Behavior)2003
The Creativity Conundrum: A Propulsion Model of Kinds of Creative Contributions (Essays in Cognitive Psychology)2002
A Handbook Of Wisdom: Psychological Perspectives2001
Practical Intelligence in Everyday Life Paperback2000
Love is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships1999
Estilos de pensamiento: Claves para nuestro modo de pensar y enriquecer la capacidad de reflexión (Saberes Cotidianos)1999
The Nature of Mathematical Thinking (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series)1996
Creative Cycle: Where Good Ideas Come from and Why Only Some Succeed1995

Preguntas sobre Robert J. Sternberg

¿Cuántos libros ha escrito Robert J. Sternberg?

En nuestra colección hay 24 libros escritos por Robert J. Sternberg desde 1995 hasta la actualidad.

¿Cuál es el mejor libro de Robert J. Sternberg?

Evaluando 24 libros de Robert J. Sternberg, seguramente podrías comenzar leyendo Creative Cycle: Where Good Ideas Come from and Why Only Some Succeed publicado en 1995 por Simon & Schuster.

¿Dónde puede comprar el último libro de Robert J. Sternberg?

Puedes encontrar la lista completa de libros de Robert J. Sternberg con fecha, editorial y formatos disponibles en esta dirección.

Quién es Robert J. Sternberg y su biografía

Robert Jeffrey Sternberg es un psicólogo estadounidense nacido el 8 de diciembre de 1949. Profesor de la Universidad de Yale, expresidente de la APA (American Psichology Asociation). Entre sus princi Fuente de biografía

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Cómo elegir un libro de Robert J. Sternberg

Entre los mejores libros de Robert J. Sternberg, puedes ver los últimos lanzamientos o libros de años anteriores.

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Debes saber que podrás ver todos los títulos más recomendados disponibles en formato impreso o eBook con referencias a la editorial, fecha de publicación y cualquier oferta del día en nuestra lista.

Si ya tienes conocimiento acerca de qué trata el libro de Robert J. Sternberg que has decidido leer, antes de añadirlo a tu carrito y ponerlo en tu biblioteca, trata de leer otras valoraciones de otros lectores para ver qué opinan aquellos que ya lo han leído en el pasado.

Más allá de promociones, precios bajos y otras consideraciones de compra, si eres un amante de los libros publicados por Robert J. Sternberg, ten en cuenta que en este ranking hemos recopilado la cronología de algunos de sus libros más vendidos sin dejar de lado los títulos más nuevos.

Teniendo presentes los mejores libros de Robert J. Sternberg, puedes encontrar los últimos lanzamientos o publicaciones del pasado.

Libros Robert J. Sternberg
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