Libros Mark Avery

¿Estás buscando un libro de Mark Avery?
En esta colección encontrarás los mejores libros de Mark Avery a la venta en línea con breves notas sobre la trama, el año de publicación y otra información útil para ayudar a seleccionar qué libro comenzar a leer.

Ranking de 18 libros de Mark Avery en orden cronológico

Hay 18 libros de Mark Avery enumerados en orden cronológico inverso, del más nuevo al más antiguo, que datan de 2010.


The Book of Something: This book isn't empty and contains something... or does it (The Thing Trilogy 2) (English Edition)

The Book of Something: This book isn't empty and contains something... or does it (The Thing Trilogy 2) (English Edition)
Puntaje 3
Título The Book of Something: This book isn't empty and contains something... or does it (The Thing Trilogy 2) (English Edition)
Editor anónimo
Paginas 30

Trama: This book isn't empty and contains something... or does itPart 2 of The Thing Trilogy...


Book of Nothing: This book is empty and contains nothing... or does it? (The Thing Trilogy 1) (English Edition)

Book of Nothing: This book is empty and contains nothing... or does it? (The Thing Trilogy 1) (English Edition)
Puntaje 5
Título Book of Nothing: This book is empty and contains nothing... or does it? (The Thing Trilogy 1) (English Edition)
Editor anónimo
Paginas 33

Trama: This is a completely empty book filled with nothing of importance... or does it?...


Love God and Love Life (English Edition)

Love God and Love Life (English Edition)
Puntaje 3
Título Love God and Love Life (English Edition)
Editor anónimo
Paginas 8

Trama: What is the definition of a friend? With one, we can relate. with one,we can be totally comforatble....


Tom Hanks: Biography (English Edition)

Tom Hanks: Biography (English Edition)
Puntaje 2.9
Título Tom Hanks: Biography (English Edition)
Editor anónimo
Paginas 47

Trama: Tom Hanks is a beloved star for many movie fans. He appeared in plenty of blockbusters including Spl...


Inglorious: Conflict in the Uplands

Inglorious: Conflict in the Uplands
Puntaje 4.5
Título Inglorious: Conflict in the Uplands
Editor Bloomsbury Wildlife
Paginas 320

Trama: Driven grouse shooting, where flocks of Red Grouse are chased by lines of beaters so that they fly o...


Incroyables oiseaux: 0

Incroyables oiseaux: 0
Puntaje 5
Título Incroyables oiseaux: 0
Editor Editions Artémis
Paginas 240

Trama: Un ouvrage fascinant présentant la merveilleuse beauté et la variété étonnante des oiseaux qui ...


Aves extraordinarias (Ilustrados)

Aves extraordinarias (Ilustrados)
Puntaje 3.8
Título Aves extraordinarias (Ilustrados)
Editor Planeta
Paginas 240

Trama: Compartimos la Tierra con más de 10 000 especies de aves y siempre nos han fascinado. Este libro no...


Behind More Binoculars: Interviews with acclaimed birdwatchers

Behind More Binoculars: Interviews with acclaimed birdwatchers
Puntaje 4.6
Título Behind More Binoculars: Interviews with acclaimed birdwatchers
Editor Pelagic Publishing
Paginas 224

Trama: How and why did our most acclaimed birdwatchers take up birding? What were their early experiences o...


Inglorious: Conflict in the Uplands

Inglorious: Conflict in the Uplands
Puntaje 4.5
Título Inglorious: Conflict in the Uplands
Editor Bloomsbury Natural History
Paginas 320

Trama: Driven grouse shooting, where flocks of Red Grouse are chased by lines of beaters so that they fly o...


Remarkable Birds (English Edition)

Remarkable Birds (English Edition)
Puntaje 4.8
Título Remarkable Birds (English Edition)
Editor Thames and Hudson Ltd
Paginas 240

Trama: We share the Earth with more than 10,000 species of birds and we have always been enchanted by them....


A Message from Martha: The Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon and Its Relevance Today

A Message from Martha: The Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon and Its Relevance Today
Puntaje 3.8
Título A Message from Martha: The Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon and Its Relevance Today
Editor Bloomsbury Natural History
Paginas 304

Trama: September 1st, 2014 marked the centenary of one of the best-documented extinctions in history - the ...


Behind the Binoculars: Interviews with acclaimed birdwatchers (English Edition)

Behind the Binoculars: Interviews with acclaimed birdwatchers (English Edition)
Puntaje 4.6
Título Behind the Binoculars: Interviews with acclaimed birdwatchers (English Edition)
Editor Pelagic Publishing
Paginas 256

Trama: How and why did our most acclaimed birdwatchers take up birding? What were their early experiences o...


A Message from Martha: The Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon and Its Relevance Today (English Edition)

A Message from Martha: The Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon and Its Relevance Today (English Edition)
Puntaje 4.7
Título A Message from Martha: The Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon and Its Relevance Today (English Edition)
Editor Bloomsbury Natural History
Paginas 277

Trama: September 1st, 2014 marked the centenary of one of the best-documented extinctions in history – th...


Fighting for Birds: 25 years in nature conservation (English Edition)

Fighting for Birds: 25 years in nature conservation (English Edition)
Puntaje 4.8
Título Fighting for Birds: 25 years in nature conservation (English Edition)
Editor Pelagic Publishing
Paginas 324

Trama:’s a triumph, and if you have any real interest in the job of saving species and their habita...


7 Supplements to Increase Happiness: Effective Supplements to Beat the Blues (English Edition)

7 Supplements to Increase Happiness: Effective Supplements to Beat the Blues (English Edition)
Puntaje 3
Título 7 Supplements to Increase Happiness: Effective Supplements to Beat the Blues (English Edition)
Editor anónimo
Paginas 4

Trama: Ever have that dull, sad feeling? We all experience the blues from time to time, but the good news i...


9 Ways to Boost Serotonin So You Feel Happy and Focused (English Edition)

9 Ways to Boost Serotonin So You Feel Happy and Focused (English Edition)
Puntaje 5
Título 9 Ways to Boost Serotonin So You Feel Happy and Focused (English Edition)
Editor anónimo
Paginas 4

Trama: Serotonin can increase feelings of happiness, focus, and general well being. In this short, simple, ...


How to Be Happy: 10 Ways to Feel Happier (English Edition)

How to Be Happy: 10 Ways to Feel Happier (English Edition)
Puntaje 3
Título How to Be Happy: 10 Ways to Feel Happier (English Edition)
Editor anónimo
Paginas 4

Trama: Everyone wants to feel happier, but the advice given in most self help books is often vague, bland, ...


Birds and Forestry (Poyser Monographs) (English Edition)

Birds and Forestry (Poyser Monographs) (English Edition)
Puntaje 4.5
Título Birds and Forestry (Poyser Monographs) (English Edition)
Editor T & AD Poyser
Paginas 312

Trama: The conflict between forestry and nature conservation has, in recent years, become a major environme...

Lista de 18 libros de Mark Avery en orden de publicación

Veamos una lista de 18 libros de Mark Avery para leer en orden cronológico hasta su último libro.

Título Año
Tom Hanks: Biography (English Edition)2021
The Book of Something: This book isn't empty and contains something... or does it (The Thing Trilogy 2) (English Edition)2021
Love God and Love Life (English Edition)2021
Book of Nothing: This book is empty and contains nothing... or does it? (The Thing Trilogy 1) (English Edition)2021
Inglorious: Conflict in the Uplands2019
Incroyables oiseaux: 02018
Aves extraordinarias (Ilustrados)2018
Behind More Binoculars: Interviews with acclaimed birdwatchers2017
Remarkable Birds (English Edition)2016
Inglorious: Conflict in the Uplands2016
Behind the Binoculars: Interviews with acclaimed birdwatchers (English Edition)2015
A Message from Martha: The Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon and Its Relevance Today2015
A Message from Martha: The Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon and Its Relevance Today (English Edition)2014
Fighting for Birds: 25 years in nature conservation (English Edition)2012
9 Ways to Boost Serotonin So You Feel Happy and Focused (English Edition)2012
7 Supplements to Increase Happiness: Effective Supplements to Beat the Blues (English Edition)2012
How to Be Happy: 10 Ways to Feel Happier (English Edition)2011
Birds and Forestry (Poyser Monographs) (English Edition)2010

Preguntas sobre Mark Avery

¿Cuántos libros ha escrito Mark Avery?

En nuestra colección hay 18 libros escritos por Mark Avery desde 2010 hasta la actualidad.

¿Cuál es el mejor libro de Mark Avery?

Evaluando 18 libros de Mark Avery, seguramente podrías comenzar leyendo Birds and Forestry (Poyser Monographs) (English Edition) publicado en 2010 por T & AD Poyser.

¿Dónde puede comprar el último libro de Mark Avery?

Puedes encontrar la lista completa de libros de Mark Avery con fecha, editorial y formatos disponibles en esta dirección.

  • último libro de mark avery
  • nuevo libro de mark avery
  • Bibliografía de mark avery

Cómo seleccionar un libro de Mark Avery

Entre los mejores libros de Mark Avery, puedes ver los últimos lanzamientos o libros de años anteriores.

Tal vez te preguntes qué libros de Mark Avery leer en febrero 2025 y cuál es el título del nuevo libro o cuáles son las frases más memorables.
Debes saber que encontrarás todos los títulos más recomendados disponibles en formato impreso o eBook con referencias a la editorial, fecha de publicación y cualquier oferta del día en nuestra lista.

Si ya sabes de qué trata el libro de Mark Avery que has decidido leer, antes de agregarlo a tu carrito y ponerlo en tu biblioteca, trata de leer otras valoraciones de otros lectores para ver qué piensan aquellos que ya lo han leído en el pasado.

Más allá de promociones, precios bajos y otras consideraciones de compra, si eres un amante de los libros publicados por Mark Avery, ten en cuenta que en este ranking hemos reunido la cronología de algunos de sus libros más vendidos sin ignorar los títulos más nuevos.

Teniendo en cuenta los mejores libros de Mark Avery, puedes encontrar los últimos lanzamientos o publicaciones del pasado.

Libros Mark Avery
Librosz Team
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¿Cómo valoras estos libros?

(puntuación: 4.7 | 24 votos)

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