Libros Karen Russell

¿Estás buscando un libro de Karen Russell?
En esta colección encontrarás los mejores libros escritos por Karen Russell a la venta en línea con breves notas sobre la trama, el año de publicación y otra información útil para ayudar a elegir qué libro iniciar a leer.

Ranking de 20 libros de Karen Russell en orden cronológico

Hay 20 libros de Karen Russell enumerados en orden cronológico inverso, del más nuevo al más antiguo, que datan de 2012.


Stag (Trespass collection) (English Edition)

Stag (Trespass collection) (English Edition)
Puntaje 3.4
Título Stag (Trespass collection) (English Edition)
Editor Amazon Original Stories
Paginas 40

Trama: Feeling alone? Join the party in a darkly comic and deeply felt short story about fragility and resi...


Le lévrier de Madame Bovary et autres histoires

Le lévrier de Madame Bovary et autres histoires
Puntaje 3
Título Le lévrier de Madame Bovary et autres histoires
Editor Albin Michel
Paginas 320

Trama: Aussi originales et excentriques que soient les huit nouvelles réunies ici, toutes traitent de la c...


HOW TO COOK SNACKS AND APPETIZERS WITH AIR FRYER: some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! If you want to build a meal plan that doesn't ... to cook low-fat dishes quick and easy! (4)

HOW TO COOK SNACKS AND APPETIZERS WITH AIR FRYER: some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! If you want to build a meal plan that doesn't ... to cook low-fat dishes quick and easy! (4)
Puntaje 3
Título HOW TO COOK SNACKS AND APPETIZERS WITH AIR FRYER: some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! If you want to build a meal plan that doesn't ... to cook low-fat dishes quick and easy! (4)
Editor Karen Russell
Paginas 108

Trama: AVAILABLE DISCOUNT : 55% off for bookstores! PAPERBACK COLOUR EDITIONDo you know how to properly us...


Warrior Nun 2022 Calendar: OFFICIAL Warrior Nun calendar 2022 Weekly & Monthly Planner with Notes Section for Alls Warrior Nun Fans!-24 months - Movie tv series films calendar. 30

Warrior Nun 2022 Calendar: OFFICIAL Warrior Nun calendar 2022 Weekly & Monthly Planner with Notes Section for Alls Warrior Nun Fans!-24 months - Movie tv series films calendar. 30
Puntaje 3
Título Warrior Nun 2022 Calendar: OFFICIAL Warrior Nun calendar 2022 Weekly & Monthly Planner with Notes Section for Alls Warrior Nun Fans!-24 months - Movie tv series films calendar. 30
Editor Independently published
Paginas 37

Trama: ⚠ BEST SALE OFF 30%★SPECIAL LAUNCH PRICE REGULAR PRICE 14.99$★Enjoy beautiful and simple desig...


HOW TO COOK VEGETARIAN WITH AIR FRYER: some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! What's better than some tasty meatless recipes to prepare ... plant-based meal plan, This cookbook (5)

HOW TO COOK VEGETARIAN WITH AIR FRYER: some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! What's better than some tasty meatless recipes to prepare ... plant-based meal plan, This cookbook (5)
Puntaje 3
Título HOW TO COOK VEGETARIAN WITH AIR FRYER: some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! What's better than some tasty meatless recipes to prepare ... plant-based meal plan, This cookbook (5)
Editor Karen Russell
Paginas 110

Trama: AVAILABLE DISCOUNT : 55% off for bookstores! HARDCOVER EDITIONDo you know how to properly use the ai...


HOW TO COOK BREAKFAST WITH AIR FRYER: Some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! Start with a strong breakfast and learn the procedure to ... This cookbook is suitable for beginners. (1)

HOW TO COOK BREAKFAST WITH AIR FRYER: Some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! Start with a strong breakfast and learn the procedure to ... This cookbook is suitable for beginners. (1)
Puntaje 3
Título HOW TO COOK BREAKFAST WITH AIR FRYER: Some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! Start with a strong breakfast and learn the procedure to ... This cookbook is suitable for beginners. (1)
Paginas 118

Trama: AVAILABLE DISCOUNT : 55% off for bookstores! HARDCOVER EDITIONDo you know how to properly use the ai...


HOW TO COOK SEAFOOD WITH AIR FRYER: Some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! Learn the procedure to prepare fish based dishes quick and ... with this simple cookbook for beginners! (3)

HOW TO COOK SEAFOOD WITH AIR FRYER: Some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! Learn the procedure to prepare fish based dishes quick and ... with this simple cookbook for beginners! (3)
Puntaje 3
Título HOW TO COOK SEAFOOD WITH AIR FRYER: Some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! Learn the procedure to prepare fish based dishes quick and ... with this simple cookbook for beginners! (3)
Editor Karen Russell
Paginas 110

Trama: AVAILABLE DISCOUNT : 55% off for bookstores! PAPERBACK COLOUR EDITIONDo you know how to properly use...


HOW TO COOK VEGETARIAN WITH AIR FRYER (second edition): some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! What's better than some tasty meatless ... and time saving plant-based meal pla (5)

HOW TO COOK VEGETARIAN WITH AIR FRYER (second edition): some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! What's better than some tasty meatless ... and time saving plant-based meal pla (5)
Puntaje 3
Título HOW TO COOK VEGETARIAN WITH AIR FRYER (second edition): some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! What's better than some tasty meatless ... and time saving plant-based meal pla (5)
Editor Karen Russell
Paginas 110

Trama: AVAILABLE DISCOUNT : 55% off for bookstores! PAPERBACK COLOUR EDITIONDo you know how to properly use...


HOW TO COOK DEHYDRATED FOOD WITH AIR FRYER (second edition): some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! if you want to build a meal plan that ... learn how to cook time-saving meals qu (2)

HOW TO COOK DEHYDRATED FOOD WITH AIR FRYER (second edition): some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! if you want to build a meal plan that ... learn how to cook time-saving meals qu (2)
Puntaje 3
Título HOW TO COOK DEHYDRATED FOOD WITH AIR FRYER (second edition): some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! if you want to build a meal plan that ... learn how to cook time-saving meals qu (2)
Editor Karen Russell
Paginas 88

Trama: AVAILABLE DISCOUNT : 55% off for bookstores! PAPERBACK COLOUR EDITIONDo you know how to properly use...


LOW FAT MEAL PREP RECIPES: This collection contains 2 books: How to cook breakfast, snacks and appetizers with air fryer. Learn many yummy and time ... and healthy cookbook for beginners! (6)

LOW FAT MEAL PREP RECIPES: This collection contains 2 books: How to cook breakfast, snacks and appetizers with air fryer. Learn many yummy and time ... and healthy cookbook for beginners! (6)
Puntaje 3
Título LOW FAT MEAL PREP RECIPES: This collection contains 2 books: How to cook breakfast, snacks and appetizers with air fryer. Learn many yummy and time ... and healthy cookbook for beginners! (6)
Editor Karen Russell
Paginas 214

Trama: AVAILABLE DISCOUNT : 55% off for bookstores! HARDCOVER EDITIONDo you know how to properly use the ai...


QUICK AND EASY AIR FRYER COOKBOOK: Whether you desire some tasty and easy-to-cook recipes, to help you build a healthy and fast meal plan, this ... dehydrated food and seafood with a (7)

QUICK AND EASY AIR FRYER COOKBOOK: Whether you desire some tasty and easy-to-cook recipes, to help you build a healthy and fast meal plan, this ... dehydrated food and seafood with a (7)
Puntaje 3
Título QUICK AND EASY AIR FRYER COOKBOOK: Whether you desire some tasty and easy-to-cook recipes, to help you build a healthy and fast meal plan, this ... dehydrated food and seafood with a (7)
Editor Karen Russell
Paginas 284

Trama: AVAILABLE DISCOUNT : 55% off for bookstores! HARDCOVER EDITIONDo you know how to properly use the ai...


Sleep Donation

Sleep Donation
Puntaje 3.6
Título Sleep Donation
Editor Vintage
Paginas 176

Trama: 'Sleep Donation has a dreamlike beauty while remaining ominous and off-kilter. Parts of it gave me n...


Orange World

Orange World
Puntaje 4.5
Título Orange World
Editor Chatto & Windus
Paginas 288

Trama: 'A rare combination of literary brilliance and unbridled entertainment' Mark Haddon'I loved Orange W...


Des vampires dans la citronneraie (A.M. TER.AMER.)

Des vampires dans la citronneraie (A.M. TER.AMER.)
Puntaje 5
Título Des vampires dans la citronneraie (A.M. TER.AMER.)
Editor Albin Michel
Paginas 320

Trama: Finaliste du Prix Pulitzer pour son formidable roman Swamplandia, la jeune Karen Russell, à l'imagi...


Doadores de sono (Portuguese Edition)

Doadores de sono (Portuguese Edition)
Puntaje 2.2
Título Doadores de sono (Portuguese Edition)
Editor Editora Record
Paginas 174

Trama: Uma epidemia assola os Estados Unidos. Milhares de pessoas perdem a capacidade de dormir. Conheça a...


Vampires in the Lemon Grove: And Other Stories (Vintage Contemporaries)

Vampires in the Lemon Grove: And Other Stories (Vintage Contemporaries)
Puntaje 4.1
Título Vampires in the Lemon Grove: And Other Stories (Vintage Contemporaries)
Editor Vintage
Paginas 256

Trama: From the author of the novel Swamplandia!—a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize—comes a magical and ...


Vampiros y limones (Andanzas)

Vampiros y limones (Andanzas)
Puntaje 4.6
Título Vampiros y limones (Andanzas)
Editor Tusquets Editores S.A.
Paginas 280

Trama: En el maravilloso cuento que da título a este volumen, dos vampiros en un limonar inundado de sol i...


Il collegio di Santa Lucia per giovinette allevate dai lupi (Manubri)

Il collegio di Santa Lucia per giovinette allevate dai lupi (Manubri)
Puntaje 3
Título Il collegio di Santa Lucia per giovinette allevate dai lupi (Manubri)
Editor Elliot
Paginas 302

Trama: Ava si prepara a lottare con gli alligatori mentre sua sorella è posseduta da uno spirito maligno d...


Terra De Caimans (Antípoda)

Terra De Caimans (Antípoda)
Puntaje 3
Título Terra De Caimans (Antípoda)
Paginas 448

Trama: L'Ava Bigtree, de tretze anys, viu a Swamplàndia!, l'illa propietat de la seva família i parc tem...


St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves (Vintage Contemporaries)

St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves (Vintage Contemporaries)
Puntaje 4.2
Título St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves (Vintage Contemporaries)
Editor Vintage
Paginas 256

Trama: Here is the debut short story collection from the author of the Pulitzer Prize finalist Swamplandia...

Lista de 20 libros de Karen Russell en orden de publicación

Veamos una lista de 20 libros de Karen Russell para leer en orden cronológico hasta su último libro.

Título Año
Stag (Trespass collection) (English Edition)2022
Le lévrier de Madame Bovary et autres histoires2022
Warrior Nun 2022 Calendar: OFFICIAL Warrior Nun calendar 2022 Weekly & Monthly Planner with Notes Section for Alls Warrior Nun Fans!-24 months - Movie tv series films calendar. 302021
QUICK AND EASY AIR FRYER COOKBOOK: Whether you desire some tasty and easy-to-cook recipes, to help you build a healthy and fast meal plan, this ... dehydrated food and seafood with a (7)2021
LOW FAT MEAL PREP RECIPES: This collection contains 2 books: How to cook breakfast, snacks and appetizers with air fryer. Learn many yummy and time ... and healthy cookbook for beginners! (6)2021
HOW TO COOK VEGETARIAN WITH AIR FRYER: some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! What's better than some tasty meatless recipes to prepare ... plant-based meal plan, This cookbook (5)2021
HOW TO COOK VEGETARIAN WITH AIR FRYER (second edition): some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! What's better than some tasty meatless ... and time saving plant-based meal pla (5)2021
HOW TO COOK SNACKS AND APPETIZERS WITH AIR FRYER: some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! If you want to build a meal plan that doesn't ... to cook low-fat dishes quick and easy! (4)2021
HOW TO COOK SEAFOOD WITH AIR FRYER: Some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! Learn the procedure to prepare fish based dishes quick and ... with this simple cookbook for beginners! (3)2021
HOW TO COOK DEHYDRATED FOOD WITH AIR FRYER (second edition): some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! if you want to build a meal plan that ... learn how to cook time-saving meals qu (2)2021
HOW TO COOK BREAKFAST WITH AIR FRYER: Some delicious recipes to help you have a nice day! Start with a strong breakfast and learn the procedure to ... This cookbook is suitable for beginners. (1)2021
Sleep Donation2020
Orange World2019
Des vampires dans la citronneraie (A.M. TER.AMER.)2017
Doadores de sono (Portuguese Edition)2016
Vampiros y limones (Andanzas)2014
Vampires in the Lemon Grove: And Other Stories (Vintage Contemporaries)2014
Il collegio di Santa Lucia per giovinette allevate dai lupi (Manubri)2014
Terra De Caimans (Antípoda)2012
St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves (Vintage Contemporaries)2007

Preguntas sobre Karen Russell

¿Cuántos libros ha escrito Karen Russell?

En nuestra colección hay 20 libros escritos por Karen Russell desde 2012 hasta la actualidad.

¿Cuál es el mejor libro de Karen Russell?

Evaluando 20 libros de Karen Russell, seguramente podrías comenzar leyendo St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves (Vintage Contemporaries) publicado en 2007 por Vintage.

¿Dónde puede comprar el último libro de Karen Russell?

Puedes encontrar la lista completa de libros de Karen Russell con fecha, editorial y formatos disponibles en esta dirección.

Quién es Karen Russell y su biografía

Karen Russell Información personal Nacimiento 10 de julio de 1981 Miami, Florida, Estados Unidos Nacionalidad norteamericana Educación Educada en Universidad de Columbia Universidad Northwestern C Fuente de biografía

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  • Bibliografía de karen russell

Cómo escoger un libro de Karen Russell

Entre los mejores libros de Karen Russell, puedes ver los lanzamientos más recientes o libros de años anteriores.

Tal vez te preguntes qué libros de Karen Russell leer en febrero 2025 y cuál es el título del nuevo libro o cuáles son las frases más memorables.
Debes saber que encontrarás todos los títulos más recomendados disponibles en formato impreso o eBook con referencias a la editorial, fecha de publicación y cualquier oferta del día en nuestra lista.

Si ya sabes de qué trata el libro de Karen Russell que has decidido leer, antes de añadirlo a tu carrito y colocarlo en tu biblioteca, intenta leer otras valoraciones de otros lectores para ver cuál es el parecer de aquellos que ya lo han comprado en el pasado.

Más allá de promociones, precios bajos y otras consideraciones de compra, si eres un amante de los libros publicados por Karen Russell, ten conocimiento de que en este ranking hemos recopilado la cronología de algunos de sus libros más vendidos sin olvidar los títulos más nuevos.

Teniendo presentes los mejores libros de Karen Russell, puedes encontrar los últimos lanzamientos o publicaciones del pasado.

Libros Karen Russell
Librosz Team
El ranking fue creado por el personal de acuerdo con disclaimer. Al participar en el programa de afiliados de Amazon, recibimos un pequeño porcentaje de sus compras para mantener el sitio activo.

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(puntuación: 4.6 | 10 votos)

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