Libros Charles Lyell

¿Estás buscando un libro de Charles Lyell?
En esta colección encontrarás los mejores libros escritos por Charles Lyell a la venta en línea con breves notas sobre la trama, el año de publicación y otra información pertinente para ayudar a seleccionar qué libro iniciar a leer.

Ranking de 24 libros de Charles Lyell en orden cronológico

Hay 24 libros de Charles Lyell enumerados en orden cronológico inverso, del más nuevo al más antiguo, que datan de 1911.


Principles of Geology or The Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants Considered as Illustrative of Geology (English Edition)

Principles of Geology or The Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants Considered as Illustrative of Geology (English Edition)
Puntaje 4.3
Título Principles of Geology or The Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants Considered as Illustrative of Geology (English Edition)
Editor anónimo
Paginas 991

Trama: Principles of Geology or The Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants Considered as Illustrat...


Principles of Geology or The Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants Considered as Illustrative of Geology (English Edition)

Principles of Geology or The Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants Considered as Illustrative of Geology (English Edition)
Puntaje 4.3
Título Principles of Geology or The Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants Considered as Illustrative of Geology (English Edition)
Editor anónimo
Paginas 991

Trama: Principles of Geology or The Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants Considered as Illustrat...


The Antiquity of Man (English Edition)

The Antiquity of Man (English Edition)
Puntaje 4
Título The Antiquity of Man (English Edition)
Editor anónimo
Paginas 84

Trama: The Antiquity of Man by Charles Lyell...


Principles of Geology: Volume 1: An Attempt to Explain the Former Changes of the Earth's Surface, by Reference to Causes now in Operation

Principles of Geology: Volume 1: An Attempt to Explain the Former Changes of the Earth's Surface, by Reference to Causes now in Operation
Puntaje 3
Título Principles of Geology: Volume 1: An Attempt to Explain the Former Changes of the Earth's Surface, by Reference to Causes now in Operation
Editor Independently published
Paginas 531

Trama: In 1830–1833, Charles Lyell laid the foundations of evolutionary biology with Principles of Geolog...


Principles of Geology, or the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants: Vol. I

Principles of Geology, or the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants: Vol. I
Puntaje 3
Título Principles of Geology, or the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants: Vol. I
Editor Salzwasser-Verlag
Paginas 700

Trama: Reprint of the original, first published in 1867....


The Student's Elements of Geology

The Student's Elements of Geology
Puntaje 4.3
Título The Student's Elements of Geology
Editor Independently published
Paginas 672

Trama: Book Excerpt: d by new ones from specimens more perfect than those which had been at my command on f...


Principles of Geology: or, the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, in Two Volumes - Vol. 1

Principles of Geology: or, the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, in Two Volumes - Vol. 1
Puntaje 3
Título Principles of Geology: or, the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, in Two Volumes - Vol. 1
Editor hansebooks
Paginas 708

Trama: ...


Principles of Geology: or, the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, in Two Volumes - Vol. 2

Principles of Geology: or, the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, in Two Volumes - Vol. 2
Puntaje 3
Título Principles of Geology: or, the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, in Two Volumes - Vol. 2
Editor hansebooks
Paginas 684

Trama: ...


Grundsätze der Geologie oder die neuen Veränderungen der Erde und ihrer Bewohner in Beziehung zu geologischen Erläuterungen, 1. Band

Grundsätze der Geologie oder die neuen Veränderungen der Erde und ihrer Bewohner in Beziehung zu geologischen Erläuterungen, 1. Band
Puntaje 3
Título Grundsätze der Geologie oder die neuen Veränderungen der Erde und ihrer Bewohner in Beziehung zu geologischen Erläuterungen, 1. Band
Editor MV-Natural_Science
Paginas 640

Trama: ...


Glossary of Geological and Other Scientific Terms Used in the Principles of Geology (English Edition)

Glossary of Geological and Other Scientific Terms Used in the Principles of Geology (English Edition)
Puntaje 3
Título Glossary of Geological and Other Scientific Terms Used in the Principles of Geology (English Edition)
Editor Good Press
Paginas 37

Trama: "Glossary of Geological and Other Scientific Terms Used in the Principles of Geology" by Charles Lye...


Principles Of Geology; Being An Inquiry How Far The Former Changes Of The Earth'S Surface Are Referable To Causes Now In Operation (Volume Ii)

Principles Of Geology; Being An Inquiry How Far The Former Changes Of The Earth'S Surface Are Referable To Causes Now In Operation (Volume Ii)
Puntaje 3
Título Principles Of Geology; Being An Inquiry How Far The Former Changes Of The Earth'S Surface Are Referable To Causes Now In Operation (Volume Ii)
Editor Alpha Editions
Paginas 578

Trama: The book, Principles Of Geology; Being An Inquiry How Far The Former Changes Of The Earth'S Surface ...


Zweite Reise nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika: 2. Band

Zweite Reise nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika: 2. Band
Puntaje 3
Título Zweite Reise nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika: 2. Band
Editor Inktank Publishing
Paginas 372

Trama: ...


Elementos de geología (Drakontos)

Elementos de geología (Drakontos)
Puntaje 5
Título Elementos de geología (Drakontos)
Editor Planeta
Paginas 560

Trama: La geología, la rama de la ciencia que trata de la forma exterior e interior del globo terrestre, d...


L'ancienneté De L'homme Prouvée Par La Géologie Et Remarques Sur Les Théories Relatives À L'origine Des Espèces Par Variation (1)

L'ancienneté De L'homme Prouvée Par La Géologie Et Remarques Sur Les Théories Relatives À L'origine Des Espèces Par Variation (1)
Puntaje 5
Título L'ancienneté De L'homme Prouvée Par La Géologie Et Remarques Sur Les Théories Relatives À L'origine Des Espèces Par Variation (1)
Editor HardPress Publishing
Paginas 326

Trama: This is a reproduction of the original artefact. Generally these books are created from careful scan...


A Second Visit to North America, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) [Idioma Inglés]

A Second Visit to North America, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) [Idioma Inglés]
Puntaje 3
Título A Second Visit to North America, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) [Idioma Inglés]
Editor Forgotten Books
Paginas 386

Trama: Excerpt from A Second Visit to North America, Vol. 1 of 2The morning after we set sail we found ours...


Elements of Geology (Classic Reprint)

Elements of Geology (Classic Reprint)
Puntaje 3
Título Elements of Geology (Classic Reprint)
Editor Forgotten Books
Paginas 318

Trama: Excerpt from Elements of GeologyBy the earth's crust, is meant that small portion of the exterior of...


Principles of geology: The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants. Edition 12, Vol. 2

Principles of geology: The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants. Edition 12, Vol. 2
Puntaje 3
Título Principles of geology: The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants. Edition 12, Vol. 2
Editor hansebooks
Paginas 680

Trama: Principles of geology - The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants. Edition 12, Vol. 2 is a...


Principles of Geology: Being an Inquiry How Far the Former Changes of the Earth's Surface Are Referable to Causes Now in Operation, Volume 3

Principles of Geology: Being an Inquiry How Far the Former Changes of the Earth's Surface Are Referable to Causes Now in Operation, Volume 3
Puntaje 3
Título Principles of Geology: Being an Inquiry How Far the Former Changes of the Earth's Surface Are Referable to Causes Now in Operation, Volume 3
Editor Palala Press
Paginas 464

Trama: This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ...


A Manual of Elementary Geology: or, The Ancient Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants as Illustrated by Geological Monuments

A Manual of Elementary Geology: or, The Ancient Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants as Illustrated by Geological Monuments
Puntaje 4.6
Título A Manual of Elementary Geology: or, The Ancient Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants as Illustrated by Geological Monuments
Editor Palala Press
Paginas 548

Trama: This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ...


A Manual of Elementary Geology

A Manual of Elementary Geology
Puntaje 3
Título A Manual of Elementary Geology
Editor CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Paginas 570

Trama: This Manual of Elementary Geology is a classic geology text by Charles Lyell that chronicles the anc...


A Manual of Elementary Geology (annotated)

A Manual of Elementary Geology (annotated)
Puntaje 3.5
Título A Manual of Elementary Geology (annotated)
Editor CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Paginas 580

Trama: A Manual of Elementary Geology is a classic geology textbook by Charles Lyell. In consequence of the...


Life, letters, and journals of Sir Charles Lyell, bart.: Ed. by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lyell ...

Life, letters, and journals of Sir Charles Lyell, bart.: Ed. by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lyell ...
Puntaje 3
Título Life, letters, and journals of Sir Charles Lyell, bart.: Ed. by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lyell ...
Editor Cornell University Library
Paginas 506

Trama: Originally published in 1909. This volume from the Cornell University Library's print collections wa...


Principles of Geology, Volume 2

Principles of Geology, Volume 2
Puntaje 5
Título Principles of Geology, Volume 2
Editor University of Chicago Press
Paginas 352

Trama: As important to modern world views as any work of Darwin, Marx, or Freud, Lyell's Principles of Geol...


The student's Lyell: the principles and methods of geology, as applied to the investigation of the past history of the earth and its inhabitants

The student's Lyell: the principles and methods of geology, as applied to the investigation of the past history of the earth and its inhabitants
Puntaje 3
Título The student's Lyell: the principles and methods of geology, as applied to the investigation of the past history of the earth and its inhabitants
Editor University of California Libraries
Paginas 712

Trama: This book was digitized and reprinted from the collections of the University of California Libraries...

Lista de 24 libros de Charles Lyell en orden de publicación

Veamos una lista de 24 libros de Charles Lyell para leer en orden cronológico hasta su último libro.

Título Año
The Antiquity of Man (English Edition)2022
Principles of Geology or The Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants Considered as Illustrative of Geology (English Edition)2022
Principles of Geology or The Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants Considered as Illustrative of Geology (English Edition)2022
The Student's Elements of Geology2021
Principles of Geology: or, the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, in Two Volumes - Vol. 22021
Principles of Geology: or, the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, in Two Volumes - Vol. 12021
Principles of Geology: Volume 1: An Attempt to Explain the Former Changes of the Earth's Surface, by Reference to Causes now in Operation2021
Principles of Geology, or the Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants: Vol. I2021
Principles Of Geology; Being An Inquiry How Far The Former Changes Of The Earth'S Surface Are Referable To Causes Now In Operation (Volume Ii)2021
Grundsätze der Geologie oder die neuen Veränderungen der Erde und ihrer Bewohner in Beziehung zu geologischen Erläuterungen, 1. Band2021
Glossary of Geological and Other Scientific Terms Used in the Principles of Geology (English Edition)2021
Zweite Reise nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika: 2. Band2020
L'ancienneté De L'homme Prouvée Par La Géologie Et Remarques Sur Les Théories Relatives À L'origine Des Espèces Par Variation (1)2019
Elementos de geología (Drakontos)2019
A Second Visit to North America, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) [Idioma Inglés]2019
Elements of Geology (Classic Reprint)2018
Principles of geology: The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants. Edition 12, Vol. 22017
Principles of Geology: Being an Inquiry How Far the Former Changes of the Earth's Surface Are Referable to Causes Now in Operation, Volume 32016
A Manual of Elementary Geology: or, The Ancient Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants as Illustrated by Geological Monuments2016
A Manual of Elementary Geology2015
A Manual of Elementary Geology (annotated)2015
Life, letters, and journals of Sir Charles Lyell, bart.: Ed. by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lyell ...2009
Principles of Geology, Volume 21991
The student's Lyell: the principles and methods of geology, as applied to the investigation of the past history of the earth and its inhabitants1911

Preguntas sobre Charles Lyell

¿Cuántos libros ha escrito Charles Lyell?

En nuestra colección hay 24 libros escritos por Charles Lyell desde 1911 hasta la actualidad.

¿Cuál es el mejor libro de Charles Lyell?

Evaluando 24 libros de Charles Lyell, seguramente podrías comenzar leyendo The student's Lyell: the principles and methods of geology, as applied to the investigation of the past history of the earth and its inhabitants publicado en 1911 por University of California Libraries.

¿Dónde puede comprar el último libro de Charles Lyell?

Puedes encontrar la lista completa de libros de Charles Lyell con fecha, editorial y formatos disponibles en esta dirección.

Quién es Charles Lyell y su biografía

Charles Lyell (Kinnordy, Forfarshire, 14 de noviembre de 1797-Londres, 22 de febrero de 1875) fue un geólogo británico,1​ uno de los fundadores de la geología moderna. Lyell fue uno de los repres Fuente de biografía

  • último libro de charles lyell
  • nuevo libro de charles lyell
  • Bibliografía de charles lyell

Cómo escoger un libro de Charles Lyell

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Debes saber que podrás ver todos los títulos más recomendados disponibles en formato impreso o eBook con referencias a la editorial, fecha de publicación y cualquier oferta del día en nuestra lista.

Si ya tienes conocimiento acerca de qué trata el libro de Charles Lyell que has decidido leer, antes de agregarlo a tu carrito y colocarlo en tu biblioteca, trata de leer otras reseñas de otros lectores para ver qué piensan aquellos que ya lo han leído en el pasado.

Más allá de promociones, precios bajos y otras consideraciones al momento de comprar, si eres un amante de los libros publicados por Charles Lyell, ten en cuenta que en este ranking hemos reunido la cronología de algunos de sus libros más vendidos sin ignorar los títulos más nuevos.

Teniendo en cuenta los mejores libros de Charles Lyell, puedes encontrar los últimos lanzamientos o publicaciones del pasado.

Libros Charles Lyell
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(puntuación: 4.3 | 17 votos)

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