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En esta colección encontrarás los mejores libros escritos por Arieh Ben-Naim a la venta en línea con breves notas sobre la trama, el año de publicación y otra información útil para ayudar a elegir qué libro comenzar a leer.
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Hay 22 libros de Arieh Ben-Naim enumerados en orden cronológico inverso, del más nuevo al más antiguo, que datan de 2021.
Puntaje | 3 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Statistical Thermodynamics With Applications to the Life Sciences by Arieh Ben-Naim (2014) Paperback |
Editor | World Scientific Publishing Company |
Paginas | XX |
Publicación | 2022 |
Trama: ...
Puntaje | 3 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Water and Life: Life in Water and Water in Life |
Editor | WSPC |
Paginas | 286 |
Publicación | 2021 |
Trama: This book is unique in presenting all aspects of water. It includes discussion of the theory of a wa...
Puntaje | 3 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Time for Smart Kids and Their Curious Parents (English Edition) |
Editor | anónimo |
Paginas | XX |
Publicación | 2021 |
Trama: This book’s message about Time is relevant across the board, be they young, smart kids, or researc...
Puntaje | 3 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | “Science of God” The Greatest Deception: Part II: Other Authors’ views on the “Science of God” |
Editor | Independently published |
Paginas | 420 |
Publicación | 2021 |
Trama: This book is written by an author who was raised in a religious environment, in which God was always...
Puntaje | 5 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Time for Everyone And Time for Everything |
Editor | Independently published |
Paginas | 249 |
Publicación | 2020 |
Trama: This book addresses all aspects of Time, and is addressed to all readers from laypersons to research...
Puntaje | 3.9 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | ENTROPY: The Greatest Blunder in the History of Science |
Editor | Independently published |
Paginas | 334 |
Publicación | 2020 |
Trama: The greatest blunder ever in the history of science. The Second Law of thermodynamics, the law of en...
Puntaje | 3.7 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | TIME'S ARROW (?): The Timeless Nature of Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics |
Editor | Lulu Publishing Services |
Paginas | 218 |
Publicación | 2018 |
Trama: This book is unique in the following senses: First, it provides three different, but equivalent defi...
Puntaje | 2.4 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Information Theory - Part I: Part I: An Introduction to the Fundamental Concepts |
Editor | WSPC |
Paginas | 366 |
Publicación | 2017 |
Trama: This book is about the definition of the Shannon measure of Information, and some derived quantities...
Puntaje | 4.2 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | La entropía desvelada: El mito de la segunda ley de la termodinámica y el sentido común (Metatemas) |
Editor | Planeta |
Paginas | 272 |
Publicación | 2017 |
Trama: Para los poco versados en física, la «entropía» –término de origen griego que significa «tra...
Puntaje | 3.8 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Entropy: The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth |
Editor | WSPC |
Paginas | 296 |
Publicación | 2016 |
Trama: "Ben-Naim convincingly argues that SMI not only gives a simpler and more broadly applicable definiti...
Puntaje | 3.8 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Modern Thermodynamics |
Editor | WSPC |
Paginas | 392 |
Publicación | 2016 |
Trama: This textbook introduces thermodynamics with a modern approach, starting from four fundamental physi...
Puntaje | 4 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Information, Entropy, Life and the Universe: What We Know and What We Do Not Know |
Editor | WSPC |
Paginas | 494 |
Publicación | 2015 |
Trama: The aim of this book is to explain in simple language what we know and what we do not know about inf...
Puntaje | 4.2 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Myths and Verities in Protein Folding Theories |
Editor | WSPC |
Paginas | 446 |
Publicación | 2015 |
Trama: This book tells the story of a whole field of research which went disastrously wrong in many differe...
Puntaje | 3 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Statistical Thermodynamics: With Applications To The Life Sciences |
Editor | Wspc |
Paginas | 436 |
Publicación | 2014 |
Trama: The book presents a clear and unique approach to statistical thermodynamics based on Shannon's measu...
Puntaje | 3 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Water and Aqueous Solutions: Introduction to a Molecular Theory |
Editor | Springer |
Paginas | 492 |
Publicación | 2013 |
Trama: The molecular theory of water and aqueous solutions has only recently emerged as a new entity of res...
Puntaje | 3 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | The Protein Folding Problem and Its Solutions |
Editor | World Scientific Publishing Company |
Paginas | 320 |
Publicación | 2013 |
Trama: This book presents a new approach to the Protein Folding Problem. It starts with a clear description...
Puntaje | 4.7 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Entropy and the Second Law: Interpretation and Misss-Interpretationsss |
Editor | World Scientific Publishing Company |
Paginas | 296 |
Publicación | 2012 |
Trama: This book presents a clear and readable description of one of the most mysterious concepts of physic...
Puntaje | 5 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Molecular Theory of Water and Aqueous Solutions: Part II: The Role of Water in Protein Folding, Self-Assembly and Molecular Recognition: 2 |
Editor | World Scientific Publishing Company |
Paginas | 480 |
Publicación | 2011 |
Trama: This book starts out by presenting the evidence for the importance of hydrophilic interactions in bi...
Puntaje | 4 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | L'entropia svelata. La seconda legge della termodinamica ridotta a puro buon senso (Biblioteca contemporanea) |
Editor | libreriauniversitaria.it |
Paginas | 212 |
Publicación | 2009 |
Trama: "Sin da quando ho sentito la parola 'entropia' per la prima volta, sono stato affascinato dalla sua ...
Puntaje | 4.3 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Editor | World Scientific Publishing Company |
Paginas | 412 |
Publicación | 2008 |
Trama: The principal message of this book is that thermodynamics and statistical mechanics will benefit fro...
Puntaje | 4.1 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Entropy Demystified: The Second Law Reduced to Plain Common Sense |
Editor | World Scientific Publishing Company |
Paginas | 250 |
Publicación | 2007 |
Trama: In this unique book, Arieh Ben-Naim invites the reader to experience the joy of appreciating somethi...
Puntaje | 4.5 |
Autor | Arieh Ben-Naim |
Título | Molecular Theory of Solutions |
Editor | OUP Oxford |
Paginas | 398 |
Publicación | 2006 |
Trama: This book presents new and updated developments in the molecular theory of mixtures and solutions. I...
Veamos una lista de 22 libros de Arieh Ben-Naim para leer en orden cronológico hasta su último libro.
Título | Año |
Statistical Thermodynamics With Applications to the Life Sciences by Arieh Ben-Naim (2014) Paperback | 2022 |
“Science of God” The Greatest Deception: Part II: Other Authors’ views on the “Science of God” | 2021 |
Water and Life: Life in Water and Water in Life | 2021 |
Time for Smart Kids and Their Curious Parents (English Edition) | 2021 |
Time for Everyone And Time for Everything | 2020 |
ENTROPY: The Greatest Blunder in the History of Science | 2020 |
TIME'S ARROW (?): The Timeless Nature of Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics | 2018 |
La entropía desvelada: El mito de la segunda ley de la termodinámica y el sentido común (Metatemas) | 2017 |
Information Theory - Part I: Part I: An Introduction to the Fundamental Concepts | 2017 |
Modern Thermodynamics | 2016 |
Entropy: The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth | 2016 |
Myths and Verities in Protein Folding Theories | 2015 |
Information, Entropy, Life and the Universe: What We Know and What We Do Not Know | 2015 |
Statistical Thermodynamics: With Applications To The Life Sciences | 2014 |
Water and Aqueous Solutions: Introduction to a Molecular Theory | 2013 |
The Protein Folding Problem and Its Solutions | 2013 |
Entropy and the Second Law: Interpretation and Misss-Interpretationsss | 2012 |
Molecular Theory of Water and Aqueous Solutions: Part II: The Role of Water in Protein Folding, Self-Assembly and Molecular Recognition: 2 | 2011 |
L'entropia svelata. La seconda legge della termodinamica ridotta a puro buon senso (Biblioteca contemporanea) | 2009 |
Entropy Demystified: The Second Law Reduced to Plain Common Sense | 2007 |
Molecular Theory of Solutions | 2006 |
En nuestra colección hay 22 libros escritos por Arieh Ben-Naim desde 2021 hasta la actualidad.
Evaluando 22 libros de Arieh Ben-Naim, seguramente podrías comenzar leyendo Molecular Theory of Solutions publicado en 2006 por OUP Oxford.
Puedes encontrar la lista completa de libros de Arieh Ben-Naim con fecha, editorial y formatos disponibles en esta dirección.
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Debes saber que encontrarás todos los títulos más recomendados disponibles en formato impreso o eBook con referencias a la editorial, fecha de publicación y cualquier oferta del día en nuestra lista.
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Más allá de promociones, precios bajos y otras consideraciones al momento de comprar, si eres un amante de los libros publicados por Arieh Ben-Naim, ten en cuenta que en este ranking hemos reunido la cronología de algunos de sus libros más vendidos sin dejar de lado los títulos más nuevos.
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